I can't stop laughing about the hilarious TV news photobomber in Ocean City, New Jersey over the long 4th of July weekend.

Did you catch it? I hope so.

Field reporter, Katie Katro, from 6ABC Action News in Philadelphia was doing a live report up on the boardwalk about how tons of people were down the shore for the holiday weekend and also trying to beat the heat.


I was in Ocean City at the time (I have a house in town) and was attentively watching the report to see all the local spots highlighted. It's always fun to say, "I've been there," or "I was just there today." Silly, I know...but, still fun.

As Katro is chatting on camera, a guy walks past the camera behind her with his shirt stuffed to make it look like he had boobs. I burst out laughing. He had such a serious face, which made me laugh even harder. He was clearly doing it as a joke.

He made not one pass by the camera, but two. I was cracking up.

I immediately wondered if anyone else saw what I saw.

I gave it a few minutes, then started searching social media, and sure enough, I wasn't the only one who saw the guy being a clown.

Crossingbroad posted it on Instagram...I can't stop watching.

It's so simple and stupid, which is what makes it absolutely hilarious.

Reporters on the boardwalk is a common occurrence in Jersey Shore towns during Memorial Day, 4th of July, and Labor Day weekends.

A few years ago, my nieces were on TV with a Fox reporter doing a story on the amazing Ocean City Brown's Donuts. Yum.

I hope the photobomber got to see himself. It was well executed. I'm still giggling over it.

How did he keep a straight face?

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