It’s not every day that you get an opportunity to speak to the president of the United States. I’d like to thank the president for coming on the air with me to speak to YOU directly.

We had a great conversation and it was a real pleasure to catch up and talk about what's next for him and the nation. Tens of thousands will be gathering down in Wildwood on Saturday to see President Trump and kick off the effort to win New Jersey.

President Trump Holds Campaign Rally In Wildwood, New Jersey
Getty Images

I've had some great conversations with the head of the Trump 2024 effort in New Jersey like Congressman Jeff Van Drew, and he's certainly got the President's confidence to turn New Jersey red.

If you've been listening to me over the years, you know that I’ve been a big-time supporter of President Trump from the very beginning starting in the primaries of 2016 and every day since.

When you see how Joe Biden has tried to wreck every single thing President Trump built for us, our economy, our military, our strength around the world, if you’re like me, you’re even MORE ready to do every last thing to return President Trump to office this November.

He’s been on my show before and it was an honor to welcome back the 45th (and soon-to-be 47th) president of the United States — Donald Trump.

F1 Grand Prix of Miami
Getty Images

We talked about the fact that the GOP needs to lead the way to return common sense back to the political process and government.

We discussed the Biden administration's failure to keep the border secure and undoing all of the positive progress made when President Trump was in the White House. The idea of stopping illegals from getting driver's licenses which creates a potential pathway to illegals voting is front and center.

The president offered an analysis of some of the deep state players who obstructed his agenda and the next level of competent patriots who will help him implement his full plan during the next term.

SEE ALSO: Pro-Trump Congressman joins Spadea ahead of Wildwood rally

Donald Trump Begins 2024 Campaign With A Speech In Iowa
Getty Images

President Trump has a clear handle on New Jersey politics and is well aware of the players and understands what the voters want and expect from the next President.

We talked about the first-hand view my wife Jodi and I have had as we barnstorm the state spreading the message of common sense and how energized people are for the solutions President Trump is offering for average working and middle-class Americans.

The conversation was personal, detailed, and positive. There is no doubt he is energized to not only win back the White House but to win New Jersey.

Watch and listen to my full interview with President Donald Trump below.

Top 20 largest cities in New Jersey

These are the 20 largest municipalities in New Jersey. The municipalities on the list have changed over the years. We used U.S. Census American Community Survey 5-year estimates to compare the Top 20 in 2012 to 2022.

Gallery Credit: New Jersey 101.5

The post above reflects the thoughts and observations of New Jersey 101.5 talk show host Bill Spadea. Any opinions expressed are Bill's own.

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