Let's face it, people from New Jersey like to think they're the best. But what else would you expect from a place nicknamed The Soprano State?

And there's nothing wrong with having that pride, either. When you really think about it, New Jersey really isn't such a bad place.

However, others may beg to differ. The Garden State may be nice, but do our neighboring states agree?

Perhaps it depends on who you ask, or how you look at it. One big negative when it comes to New Jersey is our lack of football teams.

Sure, the Giants and Jets play here, but for some reason, they still refuse to acknowledge they're actually Jersey teams. If they want to be called New York, then they should go back across the river.

Speaking of across the river, let's go from the Hudson to the Delaware. That's where you'll find another one of New Jersey's favorite football teams.

But the difference is that the Eagles actually say they're from Philadelphia. They don't pretend to play in Pennsylvania, they're actually in the state.

And having such a team as the Philadelphia Eagles is one of those perks that makes the state so great. Yes, sometimes, those in New Jersey need to acknowledge our neighboring states may be better than us in some ways.

Think about the cheesesteak. There's no way Jersey can make a better one when compared to how Philly makes them.

As much as we might hate to admit it, Pennsylvania does have some perks to it. From the Poconos and more, here are seven other sensible reasons that Pennsylvania just might be a little better than New Jersey.

Pennsylvania (PA) / Not New Jersey (NJ)

7 sensible reasons PA is better than New Jersey

Sometimes, the facts speak for themselves. Here are seven examples of why NJ needs to accept that Pennsylvania isn't such a bad place to be.

Gallery Credit: Mike Brant

Real life Sopranos spots to visit in NJ

Since its debut 25 years ago, The Sopranos has lived on as a favorite among fans, old and new. While time has changed some of the New Jersey landscape, there's still plenty of spots that Tony visited, that you can, too.

Gallery Credit: Erin Vogt

The above post reflects the thoughts and observations of New Jersey 101.5 Sunday morning host Mike Brant. Any opinions expressed are his own.